Account Settings
Choose the number of inboxes per domain:12345
Select the number of inboxes per domain. You can choose between 1 and 5 inboxes, with our recommendation being 3 based on our benchmark analysis.
Choose how many inboxes you want to create:
With 1 inbox, you'll be able to send up to 700 emails a month.
Please enter the main domain of your company (e.g., your website). All domains used for the inboxes will be redirected to this main domainMonitoring Email (optional)
You can enter an email address you already own to receive all the responses from your inboxes. This means every time a lead replies, you'll receive their response in this inbox.Basket
Monthly fee
Created inboxes:1
Domain purchase fees (one time)
€10 domain × 1€10
You have selected 1 inbox.
With the number of inboxes you selected, you'll need 1 domain.